© Xavier Pierre / CNRS

Pierre ChainaisSignal processing scientific advisor

Pierre Chainais is currently a professor at Centrale Lille and works as a researcher within the group SigMA (Signals, Models and Applications) at CRIStAL (Research center for computer science, signal processing and automatics of Lille - CNRS/Univ. Lille/Centrale Lille). Pierre Chainais studied at ENS Lyon (1993-1997), and has an aggregation diploma in physical sciences. He has  obtained a PhD in physics from ENS Lyon (2001) in the signal processing group. He joined University Blaise Pascal (now University Clermont-Auvergne) as an associate professor in 2002.  After a sabbatical at Inria-Lille (2010-2011), he joined Centrale Lille as an associate professor (2011-2017) and then as a professor.

His research activities focus on signal and image processing. They initially focussed on scale invariant stochastic processes, multifractal analysis and applications to turbulent flows, textures and natural images. His current research interests include time-frequency analysis, bayesian approaches, probabilistic models and machine learning, as well as their applications to inverse problems (radio-astronomy, gravitational waves…).